2025 Luncheon
April 5, 2025 – 12pm
Pleasant Valley Fire Hall
Purchase tickets today for the 35th annual Christian Farmers Outreach Spring Luncheon, a must-attend event.
2025 Magazine
Pray and Go
It is through prayer that we stay close to Jesus in the moment, and so God’s Word encourages us to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Through prayer we receive the direction and wisdom we need to do the work God has given us.
Chairman’s Message
As I wrote this article, the Fourth Congress on World Evangelism was meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland. Coordinator Michael Oh and other speakers stressed the need to re-evangelize the body of Christ – nominal Christians.
This also resounds with our CFO experience. In our face-to-face events, we too see the need to re-evangelize those who have fallen away or never really understood what they did and were supposed to do when they accepted Jesus.
During the past year, more than 10,000 people heard the Gospel message in CFO booths at events in the five-state area. The Lord also blessed more than 2,000 persons led by the Holy Spirit to pray with one of us to repent and follow Jesus.
We also distributed more than 50,000 bracelets/tracts to partners in 50 states and 105 countries. Testimonies from our partners indicate many thousands more have been led by the Spirit to repent.

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